Slow Fiber - Our Commitment
Quagliotti is a founding member of Slow Fiber, a network established in 2022 and now comprised of 20 Italian companies in the textile chain that want to represent a positive change through our production processes. The goal of Slow Fiber is to create products that are: beautiful, good, healthy, fair, clean and durable. Inspired by Slow Food the common idea behind both entities is to recover awareness and knowledge of how products are made, working to ensure that there is a change of course towards environmental and social sustainability.


Our work
As a network Slow Fiber has adopted a regulation that establishes the requirements for companies who want to join the Slow Fiber network. With rigor and transparency, we have identified the KPIs and measurement metrics with which we want to discipline the quantitative and qualitative analyses that guide the choices and sustainability paths of our companies today and in the future.

The assessment
The work on the KPIs identifies the indicators that intersect the ESG principles with the SDGs, taking into account the European GRI Standards (later EFRAG) and associating each theme and requirement with the values of Beautiful, Good, Healthy, Clean, Fair and Durable. This taxonomy, created and formalized by Slow Fiber, represents an important step for the entire textile industry as it can be applied with the help of our experts to all companies that want to join the network.

A path forward
One of the goals is to also support all the realities of the Slow Fiber network, creating concrete and measurable paths that generate value for companies and all internal and external stakeholders. Click here to learn more about Slow Fiber.